Holiday Funk

It's 5 days til Christmas and our home is not illuminated with holiday lights. The tree is nicely decorated in its box. No Christmas cards have been purchased. Shopping? **crickets**

Fortunately my sister has all of that together so that when we visit I kinda feel somewhat festive. Then I go home and Bam! Nothing. Nap time. 

I know Jesus is the reason for the season. I know He loves me. I know He has plans for me. I'm just in this funk and I can't seem to shake it. 

As we are traveling on the Interstate this evening Jesus speaks to me. He says, "Arlinda, I know things are not as you want them but think about something for me. Think about the many parents who don't have their children to shop for and love on this season. Everytime you get down think about SandyHook. Think about grieving parents in Chicago and DC. Pray for those families. Pray that God will strengthen and keep them during this holiday season."

After that talk, I went to my sister's home. We had cookies and punch. December birthdays were celebrated. I took the family pic. I looked at that picture and saw the happiness of the people surrounded by the decorated Christmas tree. 

Lord, please take this feeling away. Get me out of this funk so that I can celebrate the birth of Christ in a manner that is pleasing to Him. Bless those who are going through similar situations. Let them know that you knew of our lives in eternity. Bless those who have experienced loss and are struggling with grief. May we all stay in Your will and continue to trust in Your word.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen. 

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