Summer Camp Me!!!

I had often thought of how my younger son's summer would turn out. I wasn't going to put him in a camp, I still believe he is too young for that. So I had to get creative this summer, not that that should be hard because I work with children daily. I should be able to come up with something. What has really helped is my best friend Ra who has boys and is always finding activities for them.

My son has done several activities in our yard and he even has his own gardening tools and gloves. We planted some flowers and he keeps them watered. I learned for the month of July the Showcase has a program where if you submit a book report you receive free admission. We have attended for the past two weeks. Did he write the book report? No.... But I am well trained at reading and scribing so that was not a problem. It did assist him with using his verbal comprehension skills. So far we have seen Kung Fu Panda and Charlotte's Web. I wished someone had warned me about Charlotte's Web, all of the spiders at the end was a bit much. :-/

The Cincinnati Zoo has an Arts and Crafts day coming up for $1.00. Now if the temperature is anything like today we will be at the movies. lol  Last Saturday he attended Monster Jam for $5. If you have read any of my blogs or know me that was huge for him!!

I believe he has a skating party to attend tomorrow and bowling on Saturday. Of course we used our coupons and hit up Chuckie Cheese a couple of times and to top it all off football practice is four days a week. He looks so cute in his cleats. Oh! Lord I am raising another athlete!!!

Looking back on the weeks since we have been out of school I believe that Summer Camp Me is effective, enriching and engaging. There are academics, athletics, and entertainment at a fraction of the cost of sending him to the neighborhood camp. Hey Ra, maybe we should start our own summer camp next summer, even if it is just for one month. Summer Camp Me!

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