So Anxious? No, Be Anxious For Nothing

Good Morning Everyone!!! Can we just rejoice for another day to try and get it right? And can we thank God for the weather for today. It’s supposed to be 50 degrees. And for that we say amen.

I don’t know about you, but I had an amazing weekend. It seemed to have a common theme. This might be part of our 15% ratchet at church. My older son took me to the R&B Fest on Friday. It was so much fun. The fourth act was Ginuwine. Now, my first thought was, “He better sing my song.” Ok.  That was my only thought. Ginuwine can’t go anywhere without people expecting to hear his hit song, “So Anxious”. The crowd knew on the first beat what was about to happen. Lol Then we get to Sunday and Pastor Mike plays Kanye’s “Soul Anchored” video and a tad of “So Anxious” and some of us had a moment, well several of us did. Though I don’t think that was an undignified praise moment. That wasn’t a David bringing back the arc and his wife getting mad moment. Naw, it wasn’t that at all. Wendell had to turn that off quickly.

Lately Kanye has been getting a lot publicity for what he’s doing to uplift the name of Jesus. It’s awesome and its blessing so many folk. People are literally going in droves to his Sunday Services and even yesterday he was at Lakewood speaking, he’s really touching the lives of others and using his platform to save souls. Can I pose a thought though? In order for Kanye’s soul to get anchored he had to let go of being so anxious. He could only come up with the melodies and format of his new song by remembering the old one. What Kanye is doing is forgetting those things that are behind him and pressing forward. 

Philippians 4:6 tells us:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 

Anxiety ain’t no joke. If you’ve ever been anxious for anything it can feel paralyzing, like you can’t move forward. Being anxious encompasses worry and fear. You can lose sleep, be put on medication and made to go to therapy. When you have worry and fear it stops you in your tracks and often takes you away from purpose because it’s designed to be a distraction. Paul tells us in Philippians that instead of being anxious that we should take everything to God in prayer. He also tells us to take those requests with thanksgiving. 

So, whatever you’re worried about, whatever is bothering you, go to God with gratitude and take your request and what does God do in return?

Philippians 4:7 tells us:

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

When you take what you’re so anxious about to God with thanksgiving, He’s going to give you peace. 
Take your bills to God, He’ll give you peace.
Take your brokenness to God, He’ll give you peace.
Take your disappointments to God, He’ll give you peace

Hold your hands out. Pretend in one hand you have anxiety and in the other one you have peace. Now kinda balance out the scales. Do you want the weight of anxiety or the freedom of peace.  I’ll take peace for the Daily Double, Alex. 

Finally after you take your anxiety to God with thanksgiving and he gives you that peace you have another task. Remember task number 1, be anxious for nothing. Task number 2, take your situations to God and task number 3 is to think on some things. What things you may be wondering.

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
Don’t think of those things that give you anxiety and make you worry. Think about those things that are excellent and praiseworthy. Remember before your soul can get anchored you have to let go of being so anxious. We don’t want to be worried about where someone has been and if they got our message. That’s doing the most. God is here and he is the message and plus, in Matthew, he told us that worrying adds absolutely nothing to our lives.  

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Resurrection Sunday 2024