Fresh Rain New Beginnings

Early this morning as I walked to my car, the rain was gently falling before sunrise and as I inhaled, I smelled the scents of the newness of Spring. I smelled the idea of new flowers being planted and the reemerging of my lavender and hastas plants from the previous year. I smelled the idea of fresh cut lawns and the dusting off of porch furniture. I smelled newness as the rain fell on me. 

The only thing, though, it's February. It's wintertime and yet I smelled Spring. I smelled my favorite season. If I can be transparent, my feelings have been hurt several times here lately but I sense new opportunities and open doors are upon the horizon. I'm learning to take pauses and to assess the roles that I've played in these heartaches. Only to essentially understand that in many instances, I've broken my own heart by staying in places and relationships past the time I was supposed to. When I should have made clean breaks, I've stayed because of comfort and because of loyalty. That comes from an honest place and God has a way of bringing those things to light where you have absolutely no choice but to see it, experience it.

Today the rain reminded me that new beginnings are coming my way. That unbelievable doors will open for me. I've been fed for years now it's time to flourish in the new beginnings that emerge from  fresh rain. Spring is upon us. God makes all things new.

Resurrection Sunday 2024