Make Room

It must of been on Friday when I saw Maranda Curtis post about the new Jonathan McReynolds music. I love Maranda's music. It's totally amazing. My alarm is set to Track 3.
I venture over to Tidal to see if Jonathan's new music is out. I see it and hit play. The first day I just listened. I really couldn't get pass the second song, "Great is The Lord" because well.... When I heard "He's just too good, to just be "good" I about lost it thinking of how good He's been to me when I could have thrown in the towel on several occasions. This past year almost wiped a sista out.  
On Friday night I wrestled with something. Nope, it's not super deep. I wrestled with cleaning out my closet. I have this beautiful space that has turned into storage over the years. My mind was thinking, "How did I accumulate all of this stuff?", "How do I start the process?" "Where do I start?" I got so discouraged that I just feel asleep. I can laugh now about how overwhelming it was but then two things happened. Ok, three things happened.
1. I woke up.
2. I read in one of my Bible plans that we all have something to bless another person. In the plan it asked "Do you have a coat you're not wearing that someone else could be wearing?' Hmmm... I have 3 maybe 4.
Now I was more alert and I needed music to get started. I'll be honest, generally when I clean I need music that I can dance and sing to. Not this time, I needed something different because I was about to do something different.
3. I pressed play to listen to the entire Jonathan McReynolds new release.
I'm just cleaning. I had 2 bags of stuff to give away and 1 and 1/2 bag of garbage. Then I hear song number 10, "Make Room" and 11, "Move That Over", and the entire moment changed. I now realize the challenge of my closet, it's a mindset issue. You see as I'm cleaning out my closet I'm addressing the marriage that didn't work, the relationship that didn't work, the weight that was lost and gained back. It represents some of those things that didn't work in my life.
The whole closet isn't like that though. It also represents the growth of my youngest son and how after being diagnosed at an early age with a communication delay, he's an elite basketball player in his class and he will be entering one of the best high schools in the country next year. So pulling out his little shoes and socks and seeing him become who he is without a father in his life brings tears even now.
Pulling out each thing out I have to remember, feel what I feel and decide what to do with it. I gotta face what I've packed away. I have to be present in that moment.
What's beautiful about the closet is that contains so much that could bless another women, another family. I honestly believe that God is telling me to get these things out of the way to make room for the newness. Make room for clear spaces that reflect my mindset.  I'm already thinking that part of it could be used for a prayer room, which I've desired for years. I already know the paint color and the lighting I want in there, I have a thing for chandeliers.
By four on Saturday I was whipped from being in there. I have a way to go but I'm off to get a good start. God's been having stuff in store for me and now I have a mantra to say when I'm cleaning out my closet.
The stuff in my closet... You can move that over.
The things that no longer serve me.... You can move that over.
The negative self-talk..... You can move that over.
Whatever it is...... You can move than over.
I will make room.
Not only do I have to make room for all those things that God has for me, I need to be a vessel and bless someone with my overflow. I've been given much. I need to bless even more.

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Resurrection Sunday 2024