65lbs Weight Loss Goal Hit

I knew it was getting close but this morning when I got on the scale and I saw the number that I only dreamed about last year I..... Well one I got on the scale three times and two I'm always on the scale without my glasses so I had to get real close to the screen for verification all three times. Lol Each time confirmed that yes, I have lost 65lbs. To God be the glory for the things that He has done. 

The biggest struggle in this process has been my struggle with self. So I had to learn patience with me and my habits. Now, it's easy to say no to certain things that I know aren't good for me and to be accepting of myself when I mess up. After awhile I did have to incorporate cheat days. I'm thankful for my mother and my sons for encouraging me daily through this process. My friends are simply the best in that they now include me in their meal preparations. For instance when my Pastor's wife offers me dessert it's a smaller portion than everyone else's. I so appreciate that because she makes desserts sometimes from scratch. Who can say no to that? 

I just want to say thanks to everyone that travels on this journey with me. I would like to say that this is just the beginning but in actuality it is now more of my lifestyle. The next goal is to be down 35lb by December 31, 2015 for a total weight loss of 100lbs. I'm calling it #35to100. Once I reach that goal I feel a photo shoot in my spirit. The funny thing is that I already know who the photographer will be, what I plan to wear and who I want to do my hair and makeup. Write the vision and make it plain.

Jeremiah 29:11 reads "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I truly believe that God has plans for me and I can't effectively walk into His plans for Arlinda while carrying the weight of disappointment, sadness and rejection of years ago. I had to lay it down and let it go so that His will may be done. 

If I could say a special thank you it would be to true male friendships in my life who never turned their backs on me or treated me negatively because of my weight. They see my heart and that has meant more to me than they will ever know. I love them to pieces. 

Also thanks to Pastor Sally Davis of Embassy Church in Porter, Texas for planting incredible seeds last year and to Rhonda Patmon for creating an environment of fun and fitness that I simply love. 

I'm in a real good place. The best is yet to come. 

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