
When I heard of the untimely death, of Michael Jackson, last Thursday I did not cry on the first day. I wanted to hear and see all of the news that I could. On Friday morning, as I cleaned my home, I was watching MTV and listening to the interviews. Watching the video Thriller became too much for me. I broke down and cried because a part of childhood was now gone.

Growing up my family was one of the few families, in our neighborhood, to first have cable. That was a big deal for my friends to come over and watch t.v. When MTV first started out they would have music video premiers. Meaning they would announce the first time a new video was coming on. New videos then were big events and people were excited to just wait to see them. The expectation was always high to see the latest Michael Jackson videos. You wanted to see him dance and what he was wearing. My friends would come over because they wanted to see also. So when we knew that a new MJ video would be coming on some of my friends would come over to our house and simply sit and wait.

That is just one of my memories about Michael Jackson. We had high expectations and with his music videos he always delivered. When the video came on, you didn't say much because you wanted to get it all in, plus you knew it could be an hour before you would see it again. Sometimes for an hour we would wait in expectation again.

When I knew the BET awards were going to honor Michael Jackson I knew exactly where I wanted to be. In my parent's living room to live out that moment of honoring Michael Jackson. Only this time I had my sons and nieces with me. It was so important that as our culture celebrated his life and his music that I was sitting in the very same room where I anticipated seeing Michael Jackson on t.v so many years ago. How cool is that?

Be Blessed


  1. Thanks for that insight into your youth, Arlinda.
    Lots of people don't understand why some of us have been so deeply afected by Michael's untimely death. But as you so lovingly allude to, MJ's music provided the background for so much of our lives, especially our indelible youthful years. When we hear one of his songs, we remember who we were with , what we were doing, and ultimately who we were at that point in our lives. Not only do we mourn his passing but also the passing of our own youth and the sweet memories of that time.
    His music will live on within me always.

    Debbie K.

  2. Debbie thanks for your response. I was talking to my mother earlier this week about how it has been so hard for me to write about Michael Jackson. I believe than every true fan has so many thoughts and memories that it is hard to get them out right now.

    I have heard several people state that they don't understand why his death is dominating the news and that they are tired of hearing about MJ. Last Thursday Alex was sad because of Michael's death. He said to me, "You know mom I knew that one day I would see him in concert." That brought so much to reality for me in that there are generations saddened at this incredible loss.

    Right now I am just enjoying so much that is Michael Jackson.



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