Let Your Haters Be Your Motivators

Last week in my classroom the theme of our journal topics was 'Motivation" Here are some responses from last Wednesday's journal topic.

Explain the phrase "Let Your Haters Be Your Motivators."

You should let your haters make you better than what they make you seem like, and let them bring your name to life and make your name more popular than what you are. L.A

Let them fuel you to go farther in life. Let them be the fuel to your fire that ignites your engine. Let hatred encourage you not to give up but to keep going and also let that strengthen you instead of letting it tear you down. People that hate on you are jealous of you because Jesus Christ has blessed you and has favor on you because He cares. Whenever God gets too blessing the devil gets to messing. That is what I believe.D.S.

O My God Yes. The haters are everywhere. They are even in your presence. They can come out of the woods. But on the other hand they help me out a lot. Those creatures made me step it all the way up. D.C.

My haters can bring me down but my friends make me strong. M.S.

Let your enemy's push you toward your goal in life and as my father said "That which does not kill me makes me stronger." That is the way I live my life. W.M.

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